
Skin Clearing Overview

Skin Clearing Basics

Skin Clearing treatments are quick, cause little pain, and work strictly on the epidermis to address common skin irregularities. The machine precisely treats each irregularity, providing permanent results without the use of lasers, cutting, burning, or freezing. Skin clearing services utilizes a lamprobe to transmit an electric current to desiccate the skin irregularity with little downtime and no damage to surrounding tissue.

Skin clearing effectively treats the following common skin irregularities.

Skin Tags
Cherry Angiomas
Sebaceous Hyperplasia

Skin clearing treatments are not without risk, though they are generally well tolerated. Some clients may experience the following.

Discomfort: Skin Clearing treatments may cause mild discomfort during the procedure.
Wound Healing: The treatment will result in crusting (which is normal and expected), and may also include swelling. It will generally take about a week for the crusts to slough off, and up to a month or longer for complete healing. The client is expected to wear SPF on the treated areas during the healing process.
Infection: As with any treatment, infection is a risk, though it is very rare with this type of treatment.
Pigment Changes: During the healing process, there is a possibility that the treated area can become either lighter or darker in color compared to the surrounding skin. This is usually temporary, but, on a rare occasion, it may be permanent.

Skin Clearing treatments are not for everyone. Please see a list of contraindications below.

Pace Maker
Major Autoimmune Disorders
Accutane Users
Elderly – Healing times can be lengthy

Aftercare Instructions: Please keep in mind that you will have crusts, and will be required to wear SPF during your healing process. It’s best to schedule when you don’t have events coming up.

Until the thin crusts fall off, keep area as clean and dry as possible. There may be redness around treated areas. Do not try to remove crust as it will come off naturally. Don’t pick or scratch. Try to avoid saturating the area. Pat dry and do not rub after cleansing. 
 Do not apply heavy makeup for at least 24 hours as it may irritate the treatment sites. 
No tanning for 30 days after treatment. Avoid suanas and swimming until after scabs have fallen off. 
Wear sunscreen of at least SPF 25 daily to protect your new skin. 
During the healing process, a gentle cleanser, moisturizer, and SPF are all that are recommended. After the crust falls off you can return to your regular skincare regimen. Compliance with the aftercare guidelines is crucial for healing, prevention of scarring, hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation. 
Client may need to return to the office in 14 days so that we may observe the treatment site.